Helping You Manage Your Psoriasis

Psoriasis, a skin condition affecting millions, is characterized by red, inflamed patches topped with silvery scales that often itch or burn. These patches usually surface on elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back but can appear anywhere. Genetics play a role, as specific genes are linked to the overactive immune response causing rapid skin cell growth, resulting in these patches.

Common symptoms include flaking, redness, and discomfort, while more severe cases might lead to joint pain (psoriatic arthritis). It's not just skin deep; psoriasis can impact emotional well-being due to its visible nature. If you're facing persistent symptoms, consider consulting a dermatologist.

Meet Dr. Vernon Thomas Mackey at Advanced Desert Dermatology in Peoria, AZ, for psoriasis management. With extensive experience, Dr. Mackey offers tailored treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve your quality of life. Don't let psoriasis hold you back – reach out to Dr. Mackey and rediscover your comfort and confidence.

Helping You Manage Your Psoriasis

Managing psoriasis involves a multifaceted approach to alleviate symptoms and enhance your quality of life. Maintain proper skin hygiene by using mild, fragrance-free cleansers. Regular moisturization with hypoallergenic creams can mitigate dryness and reduce itching. Topical treatments like corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, and tar preparations can target inflammation and scaling.

It's also helpful to employ phototherapy with controlled UVB exposure under medical supervision to manage symptoms. Oral or injected medications, such as biologics and systemic drugs, are reserved for moderate to severe cases.

Your body will also benefit from a balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids to alleviate inflammation. Stress reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, and relaxation can contribute to relief. Collaborate closely with Dr. Mackey to develop a personalized management plan tailored to the severity of psoriasis and individual needs.

Consult Our Dermatologist

Are you bothered by persistent skin issues like red, scaly patches accompanied by itching and discomfort? Seek guidance from Dr. Mackey for possible psoriasis diagnosis if you haven't already. Schedule a consultation if over-the-counter remedies haven't brought relief.

During your first visit, the dermatologist will meticulously examine your skin, discussing your medical history, symptoms, and potential triggers. Dr. Mackey may inquire about family history too. This information helps confirm the diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

You might be asked about your lifestyle and stress levels because these can impact psoriasis in Peoria, AZ. Be prepared to have your questions answered regarding the condition and treatment options. Dr. Mackey could suggest topical treatments, phototherapy, or systemic medications based on the severity of your psoriasis.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Experience relief and renewed confidence – schedule your personalized consultation for psoriasis at our dermatology office and take the first step towards healthier skin. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Vernon Thomas Mackey at Advanced Desert Dermatology in Peoria, AZ, call (623) 977-6700.


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